Sodium Carbonate Poisoning


This poisoning is from an overdose of sodium carbonate.

Alternative Names

Sal soda; Soda ash; Disodium salt; Caronic acid; Washing soda

Poisonous Ingredient

Sodium carbonate

Where Found

  • Automatic dishwashing soaps
  • Some antacids
  • Some bleaches
  • Some bubble bath solutions
  • Clinitest tablets
  • Some steam iron cleaners
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Glass manufacturers
Note: This list is not all inclusive.


  • Body as a whole
    • Severe pain in the mouth, throat, chest, or abdomen
    • collapse
    • Shock
    • breathing deficulty
    • Skin irritation
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
    • Severe Pain in the throat
    • Hoarseness
    • Drooling
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Eye irritation, redness, and pain
  • Gastrointestinal
    • Severe abdominal pain
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  • Heart and blood vessels
    • Low blood pressure may develop rapidly

Home Treatment

DO NOT make the person throw up.

If the chemical is on the skin or in the eyes, flush with lots of water for at least 15 minutes.

If the chemical was swallowed, immediately give the person ONE GLASS of water or milk. DO NOT give water or milk if the patient is vomiting or has a decreased level of alertness.

If the person breathed in the chemical, immediately move him or her to fresh air.

Before Calling Emergency

If readily available, determine the following information:

  • The patient's age, weight, and condition
  • The name of the product (ingredients and strengths, if known)
  • The time it was swallowed
  • The amount swallowed

Poison Control, or a local emergency number

The National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States. This national hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the U.S. use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What to expect at the emergency room

For swallowed poison

  • Give fluids
  • endoscopy
  • Give an antidote
  • Treat the symptoms
  • X-rays of chest and abdomen

For inhaled poison

  • Treat the symptoms
  • Give supplemental oxygen

Expectations (prognosis)

How well a patient does depends on how fast the poison is diluted and neutralized

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