Organic Fertilizers, Fungicides & Nutrients

Organic fertiliser is obtained from various chemicals. It contains range of nutrients at different ratio, making it effective for plants. These are easily absorbed in plant systems. Organic Fertiliser are available as solid spray dried powder or liquid solution. This powder if fully soluble in water and can be dissolved in water to prepare formulation of required concentration

Humic Acid
Application of humic acids has several benefits and agriculturists all over the world are accepting humic acids as an integral part of their fertilizer program. Biochemical active and plant responsive humic substance are naturally occurring humic acids. They can be applied directly to the plant foliage in liquid form or to the soil in the form of granules alone or as fertilizer mix.
Benefits of Proper Application of Humic Acid increase soil fertility, Increase humus contents, Effectively chelates metals, Enhance soil phosphate availability, Breaks up unproductive clay soils and turns into profitable soils, Increase soil microorganism’s metabolic activity, Stimulates the respiration rates, Increase root and top growth on a fresh and dry weight basis & enhance plant root uptake of P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Ca.
Humic Acid as such is not water soluble, but it’s salts such as Potassium Humate, Ammonium Humate are water soluble, hence converted and used in formulations (EC.), Liquid formulations – 12% is most popular as it is used for soil application are incorporated in drip irrigation or foliar application. Humic Acid is mainly applied to root zone in soil. In order to obtain best results mix humic acid in 1000-2000 liters of water and distribute over 1 acre. We have also introduced Humic Acid 1.5% and 3% Granules which are very popular. As it easily absorbs in soil so, we recommend 5 kgs Granules per acre land. Humic Acid as humates can be applied to all types of plants. We have potassium humate, totally water soluble

Fulvic Acid:
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid - Fulmal is the most plant-active of the humic acid compounds. Fulvic Acid is a plant growth stimulator that increases plant metabolism and nutrient intake. Fulvic Acid is naturally created in soil by composting old plants and can rejuvenate soil. Fulvic acid is an excellent supplement to fertilizers to improve nutrient absorption. Fulvic acid can be applied as a foliar spray and to the soil. Fulvic acid acts as a chelating agent; it holds nutrients for the plant to absorb over time. Fulvic acid improved plant Cell permeability. This means that the plant cells absorb more nutrients Seed Treatment: with a seed soak of 100-250 PPM solution for a maximum of 72 hours.
  • Fulvic acid 70% 12%
  • PGR Coimbi 2%
  • Buffer solution 80%
  • Emulsifier 6%
  • Dose : 2 ml/lt of water 250-500 ml per ac.
  • Recommendation: 1st spray at time of flowering & 2nd spray 20 days after 1st spray
  • Seed Treatment: 100-250 ppm for 48 hrs. before sowing
Fulvic acid is the most plant-active of the humic acid compounds. It’s a plant growth stimulator that increases plant metabolism and nutrient intake. It is naturally created in soil by composting old plants and can rejuvenate soil. Fulvic acid is an excellent supplement to fertilizers to improve nutrient absorption. Fulvic acid can be applied as a foliar spray and to the soil. Fulvic acid acts as a chelating agent; it holds nutrients for the plant to absorb over time and should be used with regular fertilizers. One guideline recommends a mix of 95% fertilizer and 5% fulvic acid. Fulvic acid improves plant cell permeability. This means that the plant cells absorb more nutrients so fulvic acid is a great additive to fertilizers. When plants fully decompose some of it’s becomes humic acid. Fulvic acid is the most plant active component of humic acid. Fulvic acid has a tremendous effect on root development, including helping cuttings develop vigorous root development. The length of wheat root has shown an increase of 500% while tobacco plants had improves lateral and secondary root development. Similar beneficial effects have been found in many other plants including cucumber, squash, geranium, marigold, cotton, grape and carrots. Another reports that fulvic acid is ‘extremely beneficial’ for the root development of geranium cuttings.

Seaweed Extract:
Seaweed Extract
We can provide you 100% water soluble, imported seaweed extract of Sargasum as well as Aschophyllum sp.

We have with us ready to repack formulation, will be provided in bulk. This should have natural components (Auxine, Gibberline, Cytokine and Micro elements) as required by plants in needed concentration. Sea weed extract formulation available with us is fortified with Amino Acids (8%) and Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid (6%). Proper preservative and emulsifier will be incorporated to have better self life to avoid fermentation.

Seaweed can thus be very effective as a fertilizer supplement to help restore the soil conditions.
  • Increase in biological activity
  • Stimulate seed germination
  • Better absorption of soil nutrients by plants
  • Increase development of radicular systems
  • Reduction of transplantation shock and better growth (anti-stress)
  • Stimulate chlorophyll formation
  • Increase blooming duration and fruit quantity and quality
  • Slow down the ageing process
  • Better resistance to high temperature conditions and parasites
  • Longer shelf life.
Phosphorus Acid:
Phosphorus Acid
Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) should not be confused with phosphorus acid (H3PO3). A single letter difference in the name of chemical compound can make a difference in its properties. Phosphorus acid releases the phosphonate ion (HPO3), also called phosphate, upon disassociation. Like phosphate, phosphonate is easily taken up and called translocated inside the plant. Phosphorus acid and its related compounds are often referred to as phosphonate, phosphate, and phosphonic acid. One of the breakdown products of fosetyl-Al is mono-ethyl phosphonite, which may be taken up by the plant. Inside the plant, fosetyl-Al may ionize into phosphonate, and therefore fosetyl-Al belongs to the same group of phosphorous acid


Chitosan Oligosaccharide

Chitosan Oligosaccharide

Chitosan Fertilizer is the compilation of what each product can do to protect and stimulate growth of your plants. Chitosan is a polysaccharide extracted from the shell of crab or shrimp. It is known to be biocompatible, biodegradable and nontoxic. The scientific benefits of Chitosan have even been recognized in 1992. It improves seed germination, root development and disease resistance. Chitosan Fertilizer is a natural antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal agent, tested and approved by US. EPA for use in agriculture & horticulture.

Oligosaccharides that cause hormonal effect on plant. Some of these responses include stem elongation, stimulation of ethylene production and antagonizing auxine, but the they are best known for elicitation of various defensive action.

It has been found that when fungus, attacks a plant, beta glucanase, is bio synthesized by the plant cell wall. This substance then proceeds to degrade the fungal cell wall, fragments from which amplify the effect. Some of fragments are beta glucans, another oligosacchrin, which began the production of the phytoalexins, lead to lignine synthesis and promote ethylene foremation. Lignine production strengthens the cell walls.

It can start,regulate and directly effect the opening and closing of certain gens and regulate process of plant growth. Oligosaccharin can reduce and eliminate the encroachment of pathogenic agent especially against fungal infection, which are difficult to control.

Product has no poison, no residue is left over and fit for organic farming and nonpolluting. Chitosan oligosaccharin can activate plant and induce plant to produce antiviral substance.

Bio Fungicide
Bio Fungicide

It is a powerful bio fungicide (For downy & powdery mildew, alternaria) used to control Downy mildew1 powdery mildew & alternaria like fungal diseases in agriculture. The composition of the product includes bacillus subtillisl antibioticsl Polysaccharides & Protein that exhibits strong fungicide activity against pathogenic fungi.

Source Material:
Bacillus subtilis, streptomyces, hygroscopicus, Ethanol as base.
Physical & Chemical Character:
  • Colour: Dark Brown
  • Ph: 5.0 -5.2
  • Stability in low & high temp: Stable between - 4 COto 50 CO
  • Dilution in water: Dull grey colour & dispersion is complete
Function & Mechanism:
The metabolities derived from Bacillus subtilis cultures helps in suspensing the growth of pathogenic fungal hyphae.
Target Crops:
Grapes, Cucurbits, Pepper, Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal Peas, Mango etc.
Target organisms:
Perenospora spps & Sphaerotheca spps & Erysiphe polygoni etc.
  • Dilute 600-1000 times in water.
  • Minimum 2 sprays at an interval of 5 days have to be taken to have affective control (Pogo being Biological in nature, it takes time to multiply the population of bacteria for effective control of Fungal Diseases)

Secondary Macro Nutrients
Secondary Macro Nutrients

Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphar are known secondary nutrients. Each is having definite roll to play. It is best of soil conditioner.

The secondary nutrients like sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca), do not always get the recognition of some others, but they are essential and play key roles in the growth and health of plants, animals, and humans. They have been called the “synthesizers” because of their functions in living organisms.

Many factors can affect the availability of these three nutrients to plants. The best estimates of their availability can be determined by soil analysis or a combination of soil and plant analyses. However, field observations and deficiency symptoms are also important diagnostic tools.


Sulfur is becoming more of a limiting nutrient in crop production than in the past, for several reasons: higher crop yields require more S; increased use of high analysis fertilizers containing little of no S; reduced amounts of atmospheric S fallout from the sky; and reduced soil S reserves from organic matter losses due to mineralization and erosion. Most S in the soil is tied up in organic matter and cannot be used by the plant until it is converted to the sulfate (SO4) form by soil bacteria. That process is known as mineralization. Sulfur can be applied as broadcast or banded fertilizer material or applied through irrigation systems (furrow and sprinkler). Sulfur is also an important nutrient for proper nutrition of forage crops that will be consumed by livestock.


Magnesium is required for crops to capture the sun’s energy for growth and production. Its functions include phosphate metabolism, plant respiration, and activation of enzyme systems. Magnesium can be added to deficient soils by applying Mg-containing fertilizers or dolomitic limestone. Dolomitic limestone contains both Ca and Mg carbonates (for neutralizing value), whereas calcitic limestone contains only Ca carbonate. Availability of Mg is often related to soil pH. Other situations also increase needs for Mg: sandy soils with low cation exchange capacity, low Mg-supplying power, and a high Mg leaching potential, application of calcitic limestone on low Mg soils, crops with high Mg requirements, high application rates of ammonium-N and K, soil test levels below 50 to 100 lb/A exchangeable Mg.


Calcium (Ca) is sometimes considered a low key nutrient, but it carries a heavy load in plant growth. Calcium availability is adequate for most crops when soils are limed to properly adjust soil acidity. Deficiencies of Ca are most likely to occur on acid, sandy soils from which available Ca has been leached by rain or irrigation water, and on strongly acid peat and mucj soil where total soil Ca is low. High exchangeable soil sodium (Na) may depress plant uptake of Ca.

Bio Fertilizers:
Bio Fertilizers

We manufactures and markets three types of Bio-Fertilizers and includes Rhizobium, Phosphate Solubilishing Bacteria (PSB) and Azetobactor. Bio-fertilizers are used to supplement chemical fertilizers as also to maintain soil fertility; besides the following:
  • Bio-Fertilizers are Supplement Chemical Fertilizers.
  • Bio-Fertilizers are cheap and can reduce the cost of cultivation.
  • Fix Biological Nitrogen in the soil, which is readily available to the plant.
  • Improve soil properties and sustain soil fertility.
  • Provides plant nutrient at low cost and useful for the consecutive crops.
The applicability of Bio-Fertilizers marketed by v kumar and sons of different crops is as under :

Name of Bio-Fertilizers Contribution Most Beneficiary Crop
A. Nitrogen Bio Fertilizer
1. Rhizobium (Symbiotic) a) Fixes 50-300 Kg. N/hactre
b) Leaves residual nitrogen for succeeding crop.
c) Increase yield by 10-35%
d) Maintains soil fertility.
Pulse Legumes : Gram, Peas, Lentil, Moong, Urd, Cowpea, Arhar. Oil Legumes : Groundnut and Soyabeans. Fodder Legumes : Barseem, Lucorn. Forest Legumes : Sababul, Shisam, Shinsh.
2.Azetobactor (Non-Symbiotic) a) Fixes 20-40 mgN/g of C-Source b) Produces growth promoting substances like vitamin B groups, Indole acetic acid and Giberellic acid. c) 0-15% increase in yield. d) Maintains soil fertility. e) Biological control of plant diseases by suppressing some plant pathogens. Wheat, Jowar, Barley, Maize, Paddy, Mustard, Sunflower, Sesamum. Cotton, sugarcane, banana, grapes, papaya,watermelon, onion, potato, tomato, cauliflower, chilly, lady finger, rapseed, Linseed, tobacco. Mulberry, Coconut, spices, fruits, flowers. Plantation crops, forest plants
Phosphorous Bio Fertilizer
1. P.S.B. Phosphate solubilising Bacteria a) Solublizes insoluble phosphate.
b) Increases yield by 10-30%.
c) Produce enzymes which mineralise organic phosphorous to a soluble form.
Non-specific : All Plants.

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