Best Tips For Tomato Fertilizers

There's nothing quite as tasty as a fresh tomato but have you ever wondered how two fresh tomatoes can taste so totally different? It's all about the right tomato fertilizer and here are some things you should know to ensure the best tasting tomatoes.

1. Help ensure you get the best tomato crop and the best tasting tomatoes by ensuring your soil has the right nutrients based on your existing soil composition. Fertilizer has three main components - phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.

2. Nitrogen is the first number you will see on the fertilizer bag and it is the most important of all the numbers. Nitrogen gives the plants their green foliage but too much and you'll get great foliage with no fruits or vegetables.

3. The second number is phosphorus and it is critical to the developing blooms which become fruits and vegetables. Phosphorus is very important to the development of larger tomatoes so important that rock phosphate is often used.

4. The third number is for potassium. If a plant has too little potassium it will look sickly and the fruit or vegetables won't fill out properly. Potassium is important to the overall plant function and it helps with photosynthesis.

5. Micronutrients are found in almost all fertilizer and they are also important to the growth of the plant but smaller amounts are needed than with the main three. The five main micronutrients are iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and manganese.

The safest fertilizers are slow release and they are also the easiest to feed your plants. Slow release means that the nutrients are broken down slowly over time and so the risk of burning the plants is minimal.

. Liquid fertilizer is also a great choice giving the plants a quick boost because it is absorbed instantly by the leaves as well as the roots. Follow the directions carefully to get maximum benefits.

8. Organic fertilizers are another option that many prefer over chemical mixes. Fish emulsion is often used and it quickly adds nitrogen. Bone meal is also used and it adds bone powder to the soil. Cow manure is probably the oldest organic fertilizer on the market and it's very affordable. Fish emulsion, manure tea, and seaweed emulsion are all excellent choices.

If you are diluting any product it should be the color of weak tea to ensure you do not burn your plants.

10. If you're buying prepared organic fertilizers look for those with a higher phosphorus number because that's what fuels the production of fruits and vegetables, and flowers too.

You should fertilize your tomato plants once a week at half strength. Once the blossoms appear you need to fertilize at full strength. Organic fertilizers are much better because they break down a lot slower releasing the nutrients over time which is better for tomato production. Feeding the soil regularly also makes the soil much healthier which means your plants are less susceptible to disease and bug attacks.

So whether you are growing tomato plants to win the county fair or just want the most delicious tomatoes for your table using the right tomato fertilizer can make all the difference!

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