How 2 know Your Lawn Fertilizer for Grass Care

Fertilizer is basically food for your grass. The common misconception about plant food is that they are made of chemicals manufactured in the laboratory. But actually, the basic ingredients of good fertilizer can be found in the environment—decomposing organic matter. But, combining this organic matter with three important elements is the key to a beautiful and lush looking lawn.

The 3 Key Elements

(1) Nitrogen- This is the most important element among the three when it comes to creating the best lawn fertilizer. Nitrogen gives your grass its healthy green color. It also makes each blade of grass strong and sturdy so it is less prone to breakage. Strong grasses have greater ability to fight off insect damage and harsh outside conditions like cold and dry weather.

(2) Potassium- It works with the nitrogen to make roots and foliage stronger. Giving your lawn good foundation will help it resist from drought, tearing, and extreme weather. Potassium is the main nutrient found in bananas and absorption of potassium for our body helps muscle tissue repair and formation. So the function is quite the same for grass and humans.

(3) Phosphorous- This element is like the back stage hand of the three. It works covertly underground to promote root growth and development.

The Basics on Buying Fertilizers

All the three elements mentioned above are present in all fertilizers. But the amount of each element in each bag differs. The ratio of the three elements is represented by three numbers. You might see numbers like 12-6-8 or 30-10-10 on the bag. Each number represents one of the three elements. The order is nitrogen-potassium-phosphorous. Each blend of fertilizer is specific for a certain grass condition. You can ask a horticultural specialist with regards to the blend that suits your lawn.

You can use the same lawn fertilizer for your trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs have almost similar needs with grass so you don’t have to buy a separate sack of plant food for them.

Fertilizers also come in different types. They come in granular, liquid, synthetic, or organic form. The granular form is the most popular because of it’s easy to use. Residential and commercial lawn service companies use this most often. For your home, make sure to get the slow-release formula to avoid reapplying fertilizer more often than you need to. Fast-release is only better for cold climate because it gives an instant dose of nutrients to plants.

The liquid form is the concentrated type and is applied using a hose or spray. They allow quick absorption of nutrients but the effect is not long term. The synthetic type, like the name implies, is the chemically manufactured type of fertilizer. But like the liquid type, it doesn’t last too long. The organic form, on the other hand, is made from the bi-products of living organisms. It falls under the slow-release formula of plant food and is very environment friendly. However, you have to deal with its strong foul smell during application.

An occasional application of pesticide also helps keep your grass, trees, and shrubs healthy. Pesticide use is best left to the professionals, but if you decide to do it yourself, make sure to read the back for instructions and dosage.

Knowing the proper way to take care of your own lawn will save you time and money. For commercial lawn care, however, make sure to call certified lawn care professionals. There are legitimate lawn service companies found near your area of Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco.

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